A couple weeks ago Instagram introduced a feature that allows posting videos so they can compete with Vine's service. As much as I love Instagram, this kind of annoyed me and I feel compelled to write about it.
I do understand that there is a strong rivalry between Instagram and Vine, which is because Instagram is owned by Facebook and Vine is owned by Twitter. Those two companies have their own rivalry going on (I have no idea why, considering they are completely different and plenty of people use both.)

I am also annoyed because I am tired of having to hear about all of this competition between services that shouldn't be competing. I understand competition between Facebook and Google + (you remember Google +, right?) But the rivalry between Instragram and Vine is similar to the aforementioned rivalry between their parent companies, because they really weren't the same. Similar? Sure. But not necessarily the same. It's not as if Vine also had photo sharing.
I'm sure it is beneficial for Instagram to do video because it attracts more use so, from a business standpoint, I completely understand why Instagram introduced video. But, I just wish, in this case, Instagram had just kept doing only photos and let Vine have their thing.